Chapter 1


Captain's Personal Log Stardate: 9603.5
So much has happened the the last six months that it is difficult to find a place to begin. With the establishment of the Klingon Peace Treaty, there is no more hostility between the Federation and the Klingon Empire. It is my guess, however, that there will continue to be some friction between our two peoples as change is very hard to take. And with the indictment of Admiral Cartwright and his coconspirators Starfleet Command has been in upheaval for the last few months. I was privy to a party some months ago that saw the retirement of my dear friend Jim Kirk. It had to be the least fun I have ever had at a party. Obviously Jim didn't want to retire and no one was going to convince him otherwise. My condolences, Captain Kirk.
On to new business: I have had the honor of accepting the command of a newly commissioned Enterprise Class starship called Independence. I have yet to meet my entire command crew but I have taken the last two days to read each person's personnel file. I am a bit concerned having a newly promoted Executive Officer. With her lack of experience could come some problems, but I am confident that Starfleet Command has prepared her well in classes and simulations. Well now off the the damned party.

Captain Jonathan K. Taylor pressed the recording button on his personal log and committed the entry to the system's memory. He stood and straightened his uniform tunic and smoothed his gray hair and beard before striding to the door and out of his sparsely decorated office. He had been stationed at Starfleet Headquarters for only the last few months but his very skin itched to be back in space. His posting to Independence couldn't have come at a better time, if only he could avoid all the ceremony that went with the launch of a newly commissioned starship. Ah, Starfleet, such tradition.
Taylor stood at the entryway to Starfleet Command's Recreation Lounge where the Commissioning Ceremony was being held. Most of his new crew was expected to attend the function, and many had gathered already. A picture of the Independence hung over the main speaker's lectern. Chairs and long tables flanked the pulpit on both sides, and Starfleet brass had already taken some of the seats.
"Ah, Jon," a small man in an Admiral's uniform said as he approached Taylor. As he came closer, Taylor recognized the venerable Admiral Nogura, Starfleet's Commander-in-Chief. "You are a bit early. Here to see if you can meet your crew or just here for the free food?" The sparkle in Nogura's eyes was contagious. He was a man who commanded respect and got it by the mere nod of his head.
"Uh, yes sir," Taylor smiled. "The free food. I'll be eating synthesized food for several years on the ship and I thought it might be nice to have a real meal prepared by a chef tonight."
Nogura laughed. "Your speech will be after mine, and then we can break the champaign bottle and go home." Taylor sensed that Nogura didn't want to be at this function any more than he did. Oh well, Taylor thought, I'll be on the ship tonight and on the shakedown cruise in three days.
Taylor found his way to the buffet table and began to fill his plate. The junior officers had apparently felt the same way as their new captain about synthesized food as the spread left by Starfleet food service was nearly decimated. Taylor took some of what was left and found his way to the main table. The name plate at his seat read: "Captain Jonathan K. Taylor Commanding Officer U.S.S. Independence." Taylor smiled at the thought of being a starship captain.
Dinner wound on and more guests made their way to the buffet (some a bit surprised to see that little was left of the giant spread). Officer after officer came up to extend a hand and a congratulatory pat on the back to Taylor.
After nearly everyone had arrived and sat down, Taylor realized that his rather meager dinner had become cold due to all the interruptions from the throngs of well-wishers. Oh well, he moaned to himself, I'll probably be missing more than one meal in the coming years due to ship's business; no time to practice like the present.
A spoon tapping on crystal should have done nothing to attract the attention of the large and raucous crowd gathered in Rec Hall 1, but the man tapping the glass was Admiral Nogura and the crowd quieted. "Now that you have had your dinner, it's time to pay for the soup," Nogura said smiling. The officers all laughed knowing that the next step in the evening's agenda belonged to the speakers.
"Tonight, we gather to send a new starship into the heavens and on to the farthest star. And while we do this with some regularity here at Starfleet, this is by no means a regular occurrence. Sending a ship of the line into duty is never done with anything less than our utmost respect and awe. Tonight we christen a ship, send her on her maiden voyage, and commit her to her glorious tradition." Nogura waited for the applause to die down. "It is my great honor and privilege to introduce our main speaker for the evening, Captain Jonathan K. Taylor, commanding officer of the newly commissioned U.S.S. Independence." Again applause rocked the large gathering as Taylor rose and accepted the traditional Captain's saber from Nogura.
As the ovation died down, Taylor took his place at the lectern and opened the paper on which he had scribbled a few notes. "Tonight, I have the honor of standing before you as the captain of the U.S.S. Independence," Taylor began, his soft Scottish burr giving each word a slight trill. "I accept this honor and challenge with great anticipation of the adventures this vessel will see over the coming years. I challenge all here tonight who will be boarding her with me tomorrow to look at the history of the the Enterprise Class and in so doing challenge yourselves to live up to her name, her honor and her history. We will write the history of Independence. We will be responsible for her safe keeping. We will be the bearers of her yolk. Go to the stars with me, she tells us, and I will bring you home safe again.
"I have not had the privilege to meet all of my command staff. But I guarantee that you and I will know each other well after our two week shakedown." Taylor paused as a laugh rippled through the Independence's crew. "To my crew I say only this: I may ask you to run into hell and back, but I'll always be there beside you and we will run through hell together. Thank you." Taylor folded his notes and turned to sit down as the room erupted with a rousing applause. Each of the Independence's new crew members stood and shouted a hearty "Long live the Captain!" as was Starfleet tradition.
Admiral Nogura stood and offered his hand to the Captain of the Independence. Taylor smiled and took the outstretched hand and shook it. Nogura then turned to the crowd with the champaign bottle in his hand.
"Ladies and gentlemen, I hereby christen U.S.S. Independence, naval registry 1865. Captain, may the wind be at your back." Nogura swung the bottle and broke it on the picture of the ship hanging over the lectern. Taylor felt the spray of the French wine as it exploded over his head.


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